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Acupuncture can treat an enormously wide range of conditions, focusing on the root of any imbalance rather than just the symptoms.


A list is below but contact me if you require more information.


Pain Relief: Chronic pain; migraines/headaches, back pain, sports injuries, arthritis and more.


Digestive: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), digestive concerns, ulcers, cramps, bloating, acid reflux (GERD)  etc.


Immunity: Allergies, Sinusitis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ear Infections,


Women's Health: PMS symptoms, irregular periods, infertility, pre & postpartum support, discomfort due to menopausal symptoms, hormone imbalance, PCOS, endometriosis etc.


IVF and Pregnancy Support: IVF support and pregnancy support.


Men's Health: Male infertility, idiopathic infertility, erectile dysfunction, prostate concerns, etc.


Psychological Concerns: Stress, anxiety, depression, addiction,  insomnia and panic attacks.


Children:  children are treated at a reduced rate using Shonishin acupuncture.

What is Acupuncture?


Acupuncture is an ancient method of medicine and healing practised for more than 2,000 years.  Its wisdom recognises the interconnectedness of the body - particularly the organs - and its influence on health and healing.

During its vast history it has undergone many changes and different schools vary in their practical application.  However, they all agree on a fundamental theory: any illness is a stagnation or blockage of ‘Qi’ – our lifeforce ‘energy’ or deficiency of blood and qi. 

Indeed, Yin and Yang is a founding theory of acupuncture and each organ can be identified as either Yin or Yang. When the organs are out of balance due to physical or emotional factors and conditions, the Qi and blood cannot flow freely.  When they can’t flow freely, the result can be unease, pain, illness or disease.


So how does acupuncture work?


Qi and blood move around the body using specific “pathways” called meridians.  Acupuncture stimulates specific points in the body which are like “taps” which regulate the movement of Qi and blood through these pathways, increasing, decreasing and even re-directing the Qi and blood as needed.

The goal of acupuncture is to therefore identify the source of imbalance in the body which can be discerned by checking the patient’s pulse, and then stimulating acupuncture points to increase, decrease or redirect the flow Qi and blood and heal it.  


Does acupuncture really work?


Whether used alone or alongside a medical treatment plan, acupuncture has been shown to help treat a wide variety of illnesses and ailments. 


The World Health Organization released a study in 2003 providing a list of recognized conditions treated by acupuncture.  The study was based on research undertaken over recent years in both the East and the West.  The study identifies 28 conditions for which acupuncture was an effective treatment including muscle pain (back, head, neck etc.), side effects brought on by chemotherapy, post-operative pain, sciatica, nausea and depression — for which acupuncture was an effective treatment.  It further identifies 69 conditions where acupuncture has been shown to have a therapeutic benefit and this list includes abdominal pain, female infertility, insomnia, male sexual dysfunction, obesity and even tobacco dependence.


Essentially, the WHO identified nearly 100 separate conditions that can be helpfully treated to varying degrees, by acupuncture. 


At present, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends acupuncture treatments for chronic (long-term pain), chronic tension-type headaches and migraines.  The NHS also acknowledge that acupuncture is often used to treat other musculoskeletal conditions and pain conditions including joint pain, dental pain and postoperative pain.


Indeed, more recently health researchers at the University of York found that acupuncture can boost the effectiveness of standard medical care and decrease chronic pain and depression.


The best thing about acupuncture is that it is very safe with very rare occurrences of negative side effects.  If you’re reading this, I can only encourage you to try it out.

Neck Therapy

Facial Acupuncture integrates acupuncture with other related therapies focusing on full body relaxation and facial rejuvenation. The treatment starts with acupuncture and I use techniques such as guasha, crystals and healing oils to care for your specific skin needs.


Facial Acupuncture can treat the following:


Facial Rejuvenation for tired, drained skin, poor circulation and tension.



Pre-mature ageing

Why facial acupuncture?


As mentioned already, facial acupuncture is a safe, natural and cosmetic free way to keep yourself looking and feeling your best.  


The emphasis on natural and cosmetic free is important.  Our bodies are inundated by chemicals, plastics and heavy metals.  We know it is not healthy. We don’t know the real impact these have on our health and well-being. While we cannot escape our exposure to them – they literally exist in the air we breathe (air pollution) and the water we drink (plastics), we can make conscious choices which support our skin and our body.  Facial rejuvenation through acupuncture and natural means may not offer the same result as a chemical peel however, it does offer real results and promotes wellbeing for your whole body.


Facial Acupuncture is a whole-body treatment.


Indeed, facial acupuncture is a whole-body treatment.  In traditional acupuncture, facial features provide information about your internal wellbeing. Your skin on the outside provides a map of your interior health.  For example, dark circles under your eyes suggest your kidney organ may be deficient in Qi; cracked lips means investigation of your spleen may be necessary; or acne means we need to examine the large intestine.  


Therefore, the first part of facial acupuncture focuses on your health – if we treat your health, the beauty you desire will follow closely behind.  


Facial Massage, Guasha and Essential Oils


The second part of facial acupuncture is specifically designed to improve facial appearance.  Special micro-needles are used if needling points in the face is needed – the purpose is to stimulate the production of collagen which in turn, soften lines and wrinkles.  Facial massage and guasha is then used to increase the circulation of blood and lymphatic flow in your face, removing stagnation. During the massage, specific essential oils are selected depending on your skin issues.  


If you have not had facial acupuncture before, I highly recommend you give it a try!  

Facial Acupuncture
Relaxing Facial
Facial Products

Cupping and Guasha are treatments mainly focused on relieving muscle tension and stagnation. I sometimes use cupping, Guasha and massage therapy as part of an acupuncture treatment to balance out the system and get blood moving or to treat back, neck, shoulder and other musculoskeletal pains.


While I always recommend acupuncture as the priority treatment, clients certainly desire and benefit from treatments which prioritise cupping, Guasha and massage. This is usually where there is tension or injury.  


For best results, depending on the level of tension or extent of injury, several treatments may be needed.






Cupping is a therapy creating a sensation similar to deep tissue massage. Cupping is used for energising organ systems; relaxing muscle tension and detoxing. Cupping is widely used by athletes due to its ability to support the regeneration and recovery after intense training.


Guasha is a Chinese term which literally means 'scraping'. It stimulates cell regeneration and the flow of oxygenated blood to the skin's surface which enhances the body’s natural detoxification process. Guasha is often used to remove pathogens and scar tissue, to relieve colds, muscle tension, joint pain, tendon strain and reduce inflammation. After a guasha treatment, the skin is red due to the micro-abrasion which stimulates the body's immune reaction. The treatment has no known side-effects.


Tuina is a form of massage based on the principles of Chinese medicine. Tuina massage is deeply soothing and relaxing as it opens the muscles and tissue. It helps to cure various ailments as arthritis, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain and rehabilitation. It is one of the safest and most popular forms of alternative medicine treatments.

Acupressure Neck Massage

Nutrition is the key source of sustenance for our body and in order for our bodies to heal, strengthen and balance, we need the right nutrition from the right sources and in the right amounts.


I integrate Eastern (Chinese and Ayurvedic) principles of nutrition with modern evidence-based nutrition to provide my clients with the specific guidance and nutritional plan they need to support their health and wellbeing. 


I am both passionate about and certain about the impact the right nutrition can have on protecting and increasing ones energy, strength, vitality and health span. Indeed, the influence ones' diet and lifestyle can have on ones health is so critical and profound and yet, many people struggle to integrate the changes they need as there are often emotional and mental blocks preventing change.  Coaching supports you on the journey to making the changes you need.

How is holistic nutrition different to the latest newspaper article about the latest superfood?


​Everyone can benefit from improving or optimising their nutrition and lifestyle to transform their health and well-being.  I am always happy to offer advice and guidance as part of other treatments.  

Certainly, for people interested in nutrition, the foundation advice is always the same - follow a whole foods plant-based diet and avoid processed food.


However, some clients benefit from more in-depth and attuned advice and support.


For example, if you are low in energy and your periods are irregular, you likely have what we call in Chinese medicine a "blood deficiency."  We would then look for foods in Chinese energetics which "tonify" (strengthen and support) the blood but which are not too stimulating or which can cause dampness.  Each food in Chinese medicine relates to a specific organ or meridian and can have a different impact, favourable or not.  The objective is to identify areas of weakness and select the foods that can balance the weakness and promote health.


The patients most likely to benefit from holistic nutrition are those dealing with:


- Diabetes

- Obesity

- Lethargy / fatigue

- Depression 

- Digestive Issues 

- Irregular menstrual cycles

- Anyone who would like to learn more about their body about how to support their health and take responsibility for their life and wellbeing.

Nutritional Cooking
Herbal Medicine
Yoga Class

© 2023 Andre Motuz

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